Monday, November 23, 2009

Not-a-Bot: Improving Service Availability in the Face of Botnet Attacks


This paper proposes Not-a-Bot (NAB), a system that identifies and verifies human-generated and bot-generated traffic to prevent email spam, DDoS attacks and click-fraud. NAB is comprised on 2 main components: the attester, which lives on the client machine and the verifier, which lives on the server that processes the requests. Requests are attested on the client machine saying that they are human-generated and then sent to the server, who verifies the attestation and use application-specific policies to deal with the requests.

NAB has 4 main requirements:
  • attestations must be generated in response to human requests automatically
  • attestations must not be transferable from the client where they were generated to attest traffic from another client
  • NAB must benefit its users but not hurt those that do not
  • NAB must preserve existing privacy and anonymity of applications
The main job for the attester is to determine whether to provide (and provide) an attestation when an application requests one. The attester uses information from keyboard and mouse activity along with timing to determine if the action was human-generated. The attestation contains a signature over the entire request content to ensure that the content used to generate the attestation is tied to the attestation.

Attestations always satisfy the following 2 properties:
  1. Non-transferability: prevents an attestation from being forged to appear as if it were generated for another attester
  2. Binding to the content of the request
NAB also includes a verifier that runs on the server that processes the requests. The verifier checks that the attestation is valid. Once it is, it uses application-specific policies to deal with the request. Examples include aggressive filtering of spam, prioritizing requests in case of DDoS and only serving valid attestation to prevent click-fraud.

NAB uses nonces in the attestation to provides the following 2 security guarantees:
  • attestations can't be double-spent
  • a bot can't steal key clicks and accumulate attestations beyond a fixed time window

By using traces of keyboard and mouse activity of 328 users along with traces of spam, DDoS, and click-fraud, they evaluated NAB. They found that it reduced the volume of spam by 92%, deprioritized 89% of bot-originated web activity and detected bot-originating click-fraud activity with 87% accuracy.

Criticism & Questions

I think this paper proposed an interesting idea, and if deployed widely enough could be useful. One practical concern is that although the authors mention that latency overhead is negligible, if many applications start to require more and more attestations, the latency overhead could rise high enough to be significant.

I liked that they used real traces of users' keyboard and mouse activity. Their current heuristic for guessing if the action is human-generated or not is fairly simple and could be improved using more information on human-computer interaction patterns.

In addition, one of the key requirements of NAB is to benefit users while not harming nonusers. However, if any of the verifiers use the policy that attested traffic is given higher priority (such as in the DDoS example), then nonusers' requests will be given lower priority, which is essentially harming their user experience.

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